Week 1 & 2: Uncovering Atlantis

Week 1 & 2: Creating the Conspiracy

Choose a topic from the list of conspiracy theories, and begin to collect a selection of symbols and reference images to inform their design. They will then develop their initial thumbnail sketches. Each thumbnail needs to focus on a different conceptual response to the theme.

Conspiracy Theories to consider:

  • Who was Shakespeare? 
  • Who/ What caused the Black Plague? 
  • What is in the Bermuda Triangle? 
  • What is at Area 51? 
  • What happened to Atlantis? 
I decided to go with "What happened to Atlantis" as I felt immediately drawn to the idea of creating an ancient lost underwater world.

What is Atlantis?

Twenty-four hundred years ago, the Athenian philosopher Plato's wrote of an ancient island civilization that was considerably advanced for their time located. Plato writes of the island located in the Atlantic ocean "beyond the Pillars of Hercules".

Cite: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/atlantida_mu/esp_atlantida_12.htm

Existing conspiracy theories surrounding my chosen topic: 
  • Atlantis was a mid-Atlantic continent that suddenly sunk into the ocean 
  • Atlantis was swallowed up by the Bermuda Triangle 
  • Atlantis is Antartica 
  • Atlantis is the story of the Minoan civilisation, which flourished in the Greek Islands circa 2500-1600 B 
  • The story of Atlantis was a mythical retelling of the Black Sea flood 
  • Atlantis didn't exist at all - Plato invented it. 
  • Plato wrote it had been destroyed by a natural disaster in 9,000BC. 
Cite: http://www.history.com/news/history-lists/top-6-theories-about-atlantis

Interesting YouTube Videos:
Theories I fabricated: 
  • It was lost during the Great Flood 
  • It was a man-made island that eventually sunk 
  • Aliens blew it up 
  • They were so advanced, that everything was built to be biodegradable when a plague swept through and killed everyone off. Everything decomposed, leaving no trace behind. 
  • Poseidon submerged the civilization underwater to escape the conflict on the surface 
Poseidon's connection to Atlantis:

The island of Atlantis was said to have been assigned to the God of the sea Poseidon.

Image source: https://www.smitefire.com/smite/god/poseidon-31

The Earth Bull

The bull cult was noted by Plato's to be apart of the Atlanteans culture, during this period the bull was adorned and featured in a vast amount of cultures as they believed Gods manifested in animal forms, such as the Bull. 

Image source: http://semiramis-speaks.com/the-origins-and-evolution-of-the-bull-cult-in-the-ancient-mediterranean/

Colour's that I feel represent Atlantis:

Mood Board:


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